Be Strong campaign kick off to end drug addiction

Grants Pass, Ore. – One group is trying to start a movement to give hope to those struggling with addiction. Grace Roots is hoping to spark a change to stop addiction throughout the Valley, and encourage people to “Be Strong” to overcome their attachment to drugs.

A powerful message communicated in just two words.

“When they start taking drugs their life can really start spiraling out of control, and they need help and their family needs help to get it back together again,” Board Member, Julia Pinksy said.

The Grace Roots organization is hoping that t-shirts with a simple slogan will inspire people suffering from addiction to drugs to change their lives. In the past seven years, incidents involving heroin have increased tenfold in Grants Pass.

“These aren’t occurrences in isolated communities, but our community and every community is facing this problem,” Board Member, Michelle Belcher said. “So increasing the awareness is what this is all about.”

All proceeds from the sale of the Be Strong shirt are going to fund the Hope Home. A treatment center for pregnant women to recover before giving birth.

“So our goal with Hope Home is to create a safe space for these women, to be nurtured to be loved and to develop coping skills so that when they do come up against crisis or failure or happiness, they have ways to deal with those things.”

Though it’s a major problem locally, Grace Roots is hoping this movement reaches beyond Grants Pass.

“Just trying to make sure that it becomes something where the community is involved and not just an individual who feels like they’re on their own and they know they have support throughout the whole Grants Pass and Josephine County area,” Board Member, Matt Owen said.

If you would like to buy a t-shirt or support the movement, then you can go to for more information.

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