Hendrix Fire continues to burn with 15 percent containment

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. —  The Hendrix Fire is continuing to burn about 9 miles southwest of Ashland.  Fire officials held a community meeting Sunday night at Ruch library to inform the public on the latest.

The Hendrix Fire has burned approximately 1,060 acres since it started on July 15th.

As containment levels remain steady since Saturday, firefighters say things are moving in the right direction.

“We’ve continued to make progress and holding lines and securing lines in other areas.  Before we call additional areas contained, we want to make sure they’re truly secure,” said Michelle Fidler, public information officer for Hendrix Fire.

A local resident who lives just 3 miles from the fire,  says this isn’t the first time a fire came so close to her house.

“In 2001, we had the Courts Fire that came even closer to our house,” said Barbara Mumblo.

She says she’s just glad its not burning as fast as the last one.

“I think the’re doing a really good job.  It’s very hot, and it’s very dry.  I keep rain records and we’ve only had half our normal rain this year.”

So far, over 520 personnel have been fighting the fire and they say they are doing everything they can to keep everyone safe.

“That includes structures in the area, our local residents, public safety, timber and resources in the area,” said Fidler.

“We encourage folks to stay indoors, avoid the smoke if you need to and monitor the conditions so you can take the steps you need to for public safety.”

Check HERE for the latest evacuation levels.

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