2023’s Great Shakeout Turnout

MEDFORD, Ore.- 2023’s Great Shakeout was this morning at 10:19 am.

The worldwide earthquake drill saw a great turnout for this year. In Oregon, over 600 thousand people participated, and in California, over 10 million, which was more participants than the years prior. The annual event sees millions worldwide every year.

The Great Shakeout is an important drill that helps to remind everyone, everywhere to Drop, Cover, and Hold On if and when an earthquake hits, as it is a proven measure to keep people safer.

For those who live in Oregon and California, this knowledge and practice is vital, as the Cascadia subduction zone fault line can and has caused earthquakes of 9.0+ magnitudes. These severe earthquakes can cause strong shaking for minutes and even a tsunami.

You don’t have to wait for the Great Shakeout every year to prepare for an earthquake. Oregon’s Department of Emergency Management encourages people to practice earthquake drills regularly, make an emergency kit and go over a safety plan with those around you.

Citizens can go to ready.gov for information and tools to help stay prepared for emergencies or shakeout.org for information about the drill.

Jackson County also held its Citizen alert test this day. If you didn’t receive a call, text or email with information on what to do in an emergency, go to jacksoncountyor.gov to register.

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NBC5 News Reporter Lauren Pretto grew up in Livermore, California and attended University of California, Santa Cruz, graduating with a double major in Film/Digital Media and Literature with a concentration in Creative Writing. Lauren is a lover of books, especially Agatha Christie and Gothic novels. When her nose isn't buried in a book, she knits, bakes, and writes.
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