Tips to keep pets cool as temperatures are expected to pass 90 degrees

MEDFORD, Ore. — As summer approaches and temperatures rise past 90 degrees, the hot weather can have a very big impact on our furry friends.

Estrella Cervantes from SoHumane advises people to provide their pets with plenty of water and shade.

When temperatures start to hit the 80s and 90s, it is usually best to keep animals indoors with air conditioning.

Cervantes also says pet owners should also avoid walking dogs on hot pavement by taking them out in the early morning or late afternoon.

“One of the big things with heat that we talk about, and people have heard, is how hot it gets on their paws,” said Cervantes. “I think we’ve all been burned on the stove and how much it hurt. Think about that happening on your feet; it does not feel good. So what we recommend for folks is avoid the hot temperature days, which is usually between 10 a.m. 4 p.m. are the hottest points of the day.”

Cooling products, such as body wraps, vests, and mats soaked in cool water can also be used to help keep an animal’s temperature down.

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NBC5 News reporter Sean Walters earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Emerging Media and Digital Arts from Southern Oregon University. As a result of an accelerated academic program, he graduated in just three years. He was born in Antioch, California, then grew up in Southern Oregon. Sean loves to travel, play guitar and study filmmaking and photography.
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