JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. — La Clinica is offering 3 drive through vaccination clinics this month for children, beginning tomorrow. The parking lot clinics will have drive-up registration. People can wait in their cars to maintain physical distancing. Each clinic will ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — Rallies opposing House Bill 3063 were held across the state Saturday—including here in Medford. House Bill 3063 is a bipartisan bill that would eliminate parents’ ability to refuse to vaccinate their children for religious or philosophical reasons ...

Medford, Ore. — Jackson County public health officials met this morning to provide direction to schools and health care providers after a local high school student came down with the mumps. NBC5 News first told you about the illness on ...

Salem, Ore. — Wednesday, February 17th is School Exclusion Day, that means you must have proof of your children’s updated vaccine records. Parents will otherwise not be able to send their child to school. State law requires all children in ...

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