JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – Crews working the Upper Applegate Fire are working Tuesday to protect private homes and structures. Thanks to interagency cooperation on the fire, crews have been able to focus on getting ahead of it. They’re working to ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – Jackson County hosted a Safety and Preparedness Fair at Pear Blossom Park on Saturday, May 18. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., community members could take place in CPR and fire extinguisher workshops while police offered K9 ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. — The 2024 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan will be presented Wednesday, February 7, to the Jackson County Board of Commissioners for final adoption. The last plan was adopted and approved by FEMA in 2018. The county updates ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore— A new emergency resource guide has been created for people living in Jackson County. Collaborative Publishing Solutions created the guide to connect people to the resources they need in case of a disaster. CPS collaborated with local ...

Southern Oregon — While an Oregon commission is working on a resilience plan to make the state more seismically sound for the Cascadia earthquake, there are things we can do to be more prepared. Even having a sturdy pair of shoes next ...

Medford, Ore. — Larry Masterman is Medford’s first full-time emergency management coordinator. He’s been in the position for nearly 4 years. But next week, he’s leaving his post, and the city has yet to fill the role. Tonight, we’re learning what ...

(KING) Emergency management agencies across the Pacific Northwest are taking part in a massive earthquake and tsunami drill. The four-day event, called Cascadia Rising, begans Tuesday. Federal officials say about 20,000 people will be involved in the disaster drill, representing ...

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