JACKSONVILLE, Ore. – Britt Music and Art Festival outdoor performances will take place as-is for the time being, even as smoke moves into the Rogue Valley. Last year, smoke from wildfires pushed the air quality in the Rogue Valley to ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — One year after thousands of lightning strikes sparked hundreds of fires, the impact is still being felt today. The fires kicked off the worst of southern Oregon and northern California’s 2018 fire season.”It was a challenging day ...

ASHLAND, Ore.– The City of Ashland has unveiled a new website to help people through the worst of fire season. The website is called Smokewise Ashland. It’s been in the works for the past two years. In it, information on ...

WASHINGTON D.C. —  Since June 1, 2018, Congressman Greg Walden has worked on several types of legislation regarding forest management. Last month, the congressman co-sponsored a new bill: the Resilient Federal Forests Act. “I don’t want us to be what some ...

WASHINGTON D.C. — With fire season upon us, firefighters are ready to start battling wildfires. But what have our federal lawmakers done to help us avoid another catastrophic wildfire season? Since June 1, of last year, Senator Jeff Merkley has ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. — Jackson County Health and Human Services is encouraging you not to wait to prepare for fire season. Protecting yourself from wildfire smoke is especially important for the health of children, older adults, pregnant women and those ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley introduced a package of smoke bills Wednesday. He says the four new pieces of legislation are backed by Oregon Senior Senator Ron Wyden. They are hoping it will get bipartisan backing from other ...

SALEM, Ore. – A U.S. Senator from Oregon is introducing a number of bills to tackle the effects of smoke from wildfires. Senator Jeff Merkley introduced several pieces of legislation aimed at mitigating the impacts of wildfires in Oregon and ...

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Ore. – The Douglas Forest Protective Association says the Tiller Trail Highway Fire is burning 7 miles southeast of Tiller. That’s near Drew. At last estimate, they say it’s 30 acres in size. Until nightfall, the agency says ...

KLAMATH COUNTY, Ore. – Smoke from several controlled burns is expected to be seen rising in Klamath County starting Friday. The South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership (SCOFMP) said fire operations on prescribed burns northwest of Klamath Falls will begin ...

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