Ashland Japanese Garden hosts “Komodo no Hi” Children’s day event

ASHLAND, Ore. – Community members came together over the weekend to celebrate and learn more about Japanese culture.

‘Children’s Day’ took place Sunday morning at the Ashland Japanese Garden inside Lithia Park.

The free event, hosted by Ashland parks and recreation, honored Komodo no hi,” a traditional Japanese celebration of children’s happiness and individuality.

Local children were given an opportunity to play with traditional Japanese toys like the kendama and spinning tops called koma and it was all thanks to volunteers from Southern Oregon Japanese Association, or SOJA.

There were also stations to color or fold paper cranes.

Traditional kites were flown symbolizing and promoting strength and growth for the children in attendance.

“It’s been really fun so far to see them really enjoying the games, and seeing the koi in the pond, and engaging with the culture. We’re very happy, it’s been a great turnout so far, even though it’s a cool day,” said Ashland Parks and Rec. Special Events Manager, Sulaiman Shelton. “There’s this game you can play where you have to get the ball on the string and you have to catch it on the little wooden handle. And I did it once, so I‘ve been working on that. I see a lot of kids playing that game.”

Ashland Japanese Garden will be hosting ‘Bonsai Day’ on June 22. Visit the website for more information or to donate.

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NBC5 News reporter Kade Stirling was born and raised in Idaho. Kade graduated from the College of Southern Idaho with a degree in Digital Media. He started his broadcast career as a Master Control Operator at KMVT in Twin Falls, ID. He's a bookworm, Lego fanatic and an animal lover. As an outdoor enthusiast, Kade loves Southern Oregon. He spends his free time hiking with his fiancé and dog.
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