National beer sales down but some local sales stay steady

MEDFORD, Ore. – A national agency reporting that beer sales are down.

However, that might not be the case for some breweries here in the Rogue Valley.

The Beer Marketer’s, which tracks beer industry sales and information, says that last year’s beer shipments are tracking to be the lowest it has been since 1999, down 5% from where they’re expecting to be.

But a lot of the local breweries that NBC5 News spoke to today, say that they’ve seen steady business.

Like the Wild River Brewing and Pizza Co. location in Medford and Grants Pass.

They told NBC5 News that they’re fortunate enough to have a loyal customer base.

They said because of this, they haven’t noticed any drastic declines in sales last year.

Their Grants Pass location, which actually brews the beer, manages to always stay busy.

The Medford location’s manager and bar supervisor, Niko Morales said,

“It’s business as usual for them, honestly there’s times where they feel like they can’t get enough cans out to everyone, just because they have been able to sell, not just to our different restaurants but other distributors we were able to partner with.”

But there are other parts of the state that report drops in sales and even more closures than openings of breweries.

We tried to reach out to the Oregon Brewer’s Guild today but did not hear back.

Wild River Brewing and Pizza Co. said that the only time they really see any dip in beer sales, is the beginning of the new year, with ‘Dry January’ going on and people trying to avoid carbs.

But they say it’s not something they’re concerned about in the long run.

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Maximus Osburn is a reporter for NBC5 News. He studied at California State University-Northridge, graduating with a degree in Broadcasting. Maximus is an avid martial arts enthusiast and combat sports fan. He even traveled to Thailand to train with martial arts experts. Maximus loves movies, nature, and doing things outside his comfort zone, like swimming in sub-freezing lakes in the winter.
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