Burglary suspect hides in garage

Medford, Ore.– Medford Police say thataround 7:30 Thursday morning, a resident on the 1600 block of Lenora Drive, heard glass break outside.

When he went to check out what happened his car window was smashed andsaw the suspect who was running away.

The victim chased after the suspect but quickly lost sight of him on Berkeley Way.

According to nearby resident Linda Salle, she heard screaming and commotion and ran outside to see what was happening.

She says after talking with neighbors they went their seperate ways.

But minutes later, the screams began again.

“I heard some commotion again, and the other neighbor, he had seen the man’s hat,” Salle said.

She says her neighborhad found the suspect inside of her garage and told the suspectnot to move and called the police.

When police arrived, they found and arrested 19 year old Anthony Paul Mathis.

He is behind barson charges of burglary, theft, trespass, criminal mischief and 4 counts of unlawful entry into a motor vehicle.

Police say he is responsible for 3 other recent car break in’s, and stole tools and electronics from those vehicles.

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