Cost analysis of opening schools during a strike

Medford, Ore. — So just how much is it costing the district to bring in substitute teachers if it comes down to that

The district says the roughly 600 MEA union teachers normally cost the district an estimated $302,700 a day, including salaries and regular benefits.

In a cost analysis done by the Medford School District, the district said the cost of bringing in 200 teachers (estimating 85% of them to be substitutes and 15% of them to be union teachers willing to cross the picket line) would be less than whatit pays its union teachers.

The district said it would cost just over $201,000 a day. That’s including salaries and things like lodging, meals, travel and other related expenses.

Dr. Phil Long said, “When we did our calculations on this, let’s say we had 200 subs. The difference between all those costs for them and the security and all the other things we do and what we pay our teachers is about $100,000 dollars less per day.”

At 300 teachers the district says it would save about $57,800 a day.

Dr. Long stressed it isn’t about saving money. He said the district would prefer to have its union teachers back in the classroom instead of substitutes.

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