Guard Members Come Home

Six Oregon Air National Guard members from Kingsley Field are back home tonight following a tour of duty in Afganistan.

Colonel Curtis Waite explains that the first wave of returning Guard members is part of a larger group…

“These are our security forces guys, 26 of them that have been to Bagram, Afganistan the last six months. But in reality, they’ve been at this, prepping for this, for about ten months.”

The homecoming was particularly sweet for Master Sergeant Levi Clarey, who got to see his 7 week old son Lane for the first time…

“Actually, I was very lucky – with technology, I got to skype, so I was there skyping for the birth – so that was nice. But just trying to get the job done, and get home.”

A crowd of over 100 was on hand to welcome the troops home. The second wave of Guard members are scheduled to return home Tuesday morning at 9.

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