Klamath County man gets 10 years on manslaughter plea

Klamath Falls, Ore. – A Klamath County man is headed to prison for 10 years in connection with the death of a Chiloquin man.

38 year old Joshua Gilbert Brown pleaded to a single count of first degree manslaughter Thursday as part of a negotiated plea.

“It was a no contest plea.” Explained Klamath County deputy district attorney David Schutt. So we put out the facts to show that had this gone to trial, we would have enough evidence to convict.”

Brown was facing murder charges in connection with the June 2013 murder of 33 year old David Joseph Kelly Costa.

Costa was found shot to death at a home in the Agency Lake area near Chiloquin.

Prosecutors note that it would have been a difficult case to prove in court.

“There was very little physical evidence.” Noted Schutt. “We never recovered the firearm that was used. Essentially, what we have is we had Mr. Brown confessing this matter to his girlfriend, Dawn Velasquez, and she was going to be our star witness.”

Schutt adds that court records indicate a possible motive behind the shooting…

“The investigation basically concluded that Mr. Brown had some suspicions that there was an affair going on between the victim, and Ms. Velasquez.”

Brown could have faced a 25 year prison sentence if convicted on murder.

“It’s better to get this time in prison, than to run the risk of having a jury acquit him.” Said deputy D.A. Schutt.

Brown’s surprise plea came at a settlement conference Thursday.

Brown’s trial was scheduled to begin next Tuesday.

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