Local young actor chases his dreams

Medford, Ore. — Home to the Britt Festival and the world renowned Oregon Shakespeare Festival, the Rogue Valley is known for fostering the creative arts. A young actor credits that local inspiration for leading him to his craft as he leaves the Valley to pursue the bright lights of Hollywood.

“Whenever i’m on stage i just feel really alive and really on fire,” says Christopher Vincent. “Ireally get a sense of whyI was put here in the first place.”

When you talk to Vincent it’s hard not to notice his passion for the arts.

“It’s kind ofwhat i was born to do,” he says of performing.

The Medford nineteen year old has had his eyes on the bright lights of Hollywood ever since he first performed in a grade school play.

“I had this weird sensation the entire time.I just rememberI really liked it andI was really passionate about it,” he says of his first time on stage.

Fortunate to have such prestigious acting opportunities in the Valley,Vincent creditsOSF for encouraging his craft. He was in ‘Robin Hood’ in 2013.

“That was my first professional play and that’s whereI really got serious about it,” says Vincent.

Now he looks forward to chasing his dreams this fall at the California Institute of the Arts.

“We learn acting methods and there’s going to be movement classes where you learn how to use your body when it comes to the performance.”

He’ll also get to rub shoulders with like minded and experienced professionals.

“Shia Labeouf decided to come back to this school,” explains Vincent.

There’s even the opportunity to sign up for a course taught by actor James Franco.

At justnineteen years old Vincent shows true poise, having found his calling and chasing it with confidence.

“Do what makes you happy and do what your passionate about because you only have one life,” Vincent says.

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