More supplies come in for support of Oath Keepers

Merlin, Ore. — More supplies are coming for members of the Oath Keepers gathering in Merlin.

The local chapter of the national group says they have been asked by miners from Sugar Pine Mine in Galice to help them defend the land they say is being threatened by the government or more specifically, the Bureau of Land Management.

The BLM says no enforcement action will be taken to give the claim owner right to due process.

The Oath Keepers are still on site and are set to receive a semi-truck full of food if they need it.

Mary Emerick, Oath Keepers, At this point in time we are not putting a call out for more reinforcement however we do know that people are interested and probably coming without being invited.”

The Oath Keepers say the Sugar Pine Mining area is protected by a claim or permission to use the land, that dates back to the 1800’s, but the BLM says the land is not in compliance and the original claim from the 1800’s is no longer valid.

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