National gas average $3.61 a gallon, could spike higher

The average price of gas is $3.61 a gallon with some areas much higher across the United States.

President Obama and and Republican candidates for President are now weighing in on what to do to make prices more affordable. President Obama and the oil industry agree there is little that can be done to change prices quickly.

In the meantime, American drivers are feeling pain at the pump. One driver said he paid one hundred twenty dollars to fill up his truck this week. Prices spiked almost a dime from Thursday night to Friday morning. California drivers are already paying five dollars a gallon in some areas. Analysts expect prices to rise even higher by summer.

One reason prices are going up, the economy. An improving economy is driving demand.

Greener fuel may eventually make a difference, but experts say drivers looking for relief today might want to consider biking to work.

Triple A is predicting the average at $4.35 a gallon this summer.

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