Oregon ID Cards Do Not Meet Federal Regulations

We use our drivers license for a lot more than just driving.

It identifies us, it allows us to pass through airport security, to open bank accounts, we even have to use them to get into federal buildings.

But according to a new report from the Oregon DMV offices, Oregon driver licences and identification cards don’t meet all the federal rules, part of the Real ID Act of 2005

And Oregon isn’t alone, 29 other states are also out of compliance including all of our neighboring states.

Oregononly meet 28 of the 39 standards.

Among some of the additional requirements needed, include requiring in-person replacement cards, and changing the card design to include a marker indicating the card is “Real ID”.

It’ll cost Oregon nearly 16.3 million dollars over the next 6 years to come up to compliance but Senator Bates thinks that’s a real possibility.

For the average person, there’s nothing you can or need to do right now. The DMV suggusted to me it might be a good idea to get another form of legal I.D. such as a passport.

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