Proposed Medford casino: the letters Pt. 1

Medford, Ore. — It’s been just over a year and a half since theCoquille Indian Tribe announced plans to build and open a casino in Medford.

The idea has received backlash from the neighboring Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians.

The tribeactually began writting a series of lettersto the Coquille’s opposing their plan.

NBC 5 News tried multiple times to talk with the Coquille’s for this story, each time, they declined our request for an interview.

In the past they’ve told NBC5 news have said they are not looking to take away business from the Cow Creek’s but to better the economy and their tribe.

But Michael Rondeau, the CEO of the Cow Creek Indian Tribe, doesn’t see it that way.

“The severity of the intent of what the Coquille is trying to do is very real. It is very significant, it would mean a substantial loss of revenue to our tribe,” said Rondeau.

In the first letter, the Cow Creek’soffered to buy the property at 110% of what the Coquille paid.

The Coquille acknowledged the Cow Creeks offer, but said they’ll be moving forward with their plans anyway.

“We are not planning on building something that can hold every last gamer in this area,” said Cal Mukumoto, of the Coquille Indian Tribe, in December of 2012.

The Coquille did request a private meeting to quote “clarify and perhaps resolve some of our mutual concerns.”

But Rondeau says while they appreciate the effort toward open communication, it’s not something the Cow Creek are willing to do.

“We’re not in a situation where we can actually just allow this to happen. We have a responsibility to our membership, we have needs. We’ve got to try to protect what we do have for the membership we have as well as the community,” Rondeau said.

The debate between the two tribes has since spilled out into the City of Medford, Jackson County, and even Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber’s office.

They have all written letters to the Bureau of Indian Affairs stating they have concerns about the Coquille’s proposed Class 2 casino.

Hear more in the video above and for part two click here.

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