The flu virus might be living on your phone

MEDFORD, Ore. — The average cellphone user touches their phone over 2600 times a day, and health experts say it could be a breeding ground for germs.

According to the Center for Disease Control, more than six million people have been hit by the flu already.

Also according to the CDC, flu viruses can survive on hard surfaces like phones for up to 48 hours.

NBC5 talked to U.S. Cellular Thursday, to see what you can do to stay healthy this year.

“Using a high alcohol content cleaner is really critical,” said U.S. Cellular spokesman Branden Paul, “so anything that’s over 90 percent alcohol content is pretty safe on the phones. There are screen protectors and case protectors that are alcohol sensitive, so that’s the only thing you have to be somewhat aware of.”

Here are some tips to keep yourself heathy during flu season:

  • Keep surfaces clean
  • Clean devices frequently
  • Use hands-free headsets
  • Avoid using devices in restrooms
  • Don’t share your phone with others.

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