Williams kid’s mullet going national

MEDFORD, Ore. – A Williams kid is sporting his business in the front and a party in the back.

Felix Wieberg and his mullet named ‘The Screaming Eagle,’ are in the running of the kid’s division of the ‘Mullet Champs’ national competition.

He tells us he started growing his mullet in 2021.

He says it takes a lot of responsibility and brushing to make it look it’s best.

Felix says he thinks he and his curls have what it takes to win, “I feel pretty confident about my mullet because I see some other people’s mullets. And they are pretty good; I have a competition to go through with these people, but I have a feeling I might win.” 

Felix wears confidence like he wears his mullet, with pride.

You can cast your vote for Felix’s ‘Screaming Eagle’ at the competition’s website here.

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Maximus Osburn is a reporter for NBC5 News. He studied at California State University-Northridge, graduating with a degree in Broadcasting. Maximus is an avid martial arts enthusiast and combat sports fan. He even traveled to Thailand to train with martial arts experts. Maximus loves movies, nature, and doing things outside his comfort zone, like swimming in sub-freezing lakes in the winter.
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