North Korea latest

Washington, D.C. – Military analysts say North Korea doesn’t have the capability–or the intent–to attack U.S. bombers and fighter jets, despite North Korea’s top diplomat saying it has every right do so.

With threatening rhetoric escalating daily, President Trump seems to have given a brief reprieve to the volley Tuesday.

On the subject of North Korea, President Trump seemed to dial down the rhetoric, speaking in the Rose Garden with the Spanish prime minister.

The president did not escalate the war of words that we’ve been seeing from President Trump and the North Korean leader.

In fact, he talked about the importance of the international community, the importance of the United Nations, to seek a consensus.

He praised China–not the kind of statements we’ve been seeing or the tweets we’ve been seeing from President Trump belittling Kim Jong Un, calling him “The Little Rocket Man,” saying his regime wouldn’t be around much longer.

But even when taking questions, he seemed to be deliberately be referencing things he had already said and not trying to escalate this crisis.

That according to North Korea experts is a positive sign. They worry that the escalating rhetoric could lead to a miscalculation, a military conflict that would be very hard to control.

It does not mean, however, that this crisis is over. It just means that, for now, the message to “tone it down” has reached the president

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