Person responsible for RCC bomb threat identified, police say


Update (09/29/2017 4:18 p.m.) – Medford police have identified the person they believe is responsible for a bomb threat that prompted the closure of Rogue Community College’s Riverside Campus, according to the college.

The person, who was not publicly identified, was employed with an agency that contracts with the college. The individual has been removed from campus as police continue the investigation.

RCC said police have assured them the person was only making a threat, there was no danger to students and staff.

“We are very thankful to the Medford Police Department for its quick action in responding to the threat and for successfully investigating the incident and bringing it to a rapid resolution,” said Cathy Kemper-Pelle, president of RCC. “We also thank the RCC and Southern Oregon University security teams for their collaboration in a professional and rapid response.”

Medford, Ore.– Classes are back in session at Rogue Community College’s Riverside campus.

For student Chasen Macklin, it means driving from Klamath Falls two times a week to earn his business degree.

However, as his first week of school started – homework wasn’t Macklin’s only concern.

Wednesday evening, RCC found a bomb threat, written on a white board in one of the classrooms, revealing both the time and place where the bomb would go off. The school responded immediately, sending out an alert to students and faculty that the campus would remain closed while police swept the area.

Macklin received one of those alerts before he made the commute. The threat made coming to school Thursday a tough choice.

“It was a long, long thought. I had to really just talk myself in to coming to school today,” said Macklin. “Especially being that far away. I don’t want to go that far just to die.”

After sweeping the campus police found no traces of a bomb but are still investigating who might have been behind the threat.

“Our goal is to find out who’s responsible for making those threats because its a monumental, huge inconvenience to everyone,” said Lt. Justin Ivens with the Medford Police Department. “We need everyone to feel safe when they are coming and going from school.”

In June, RCC received a similar threat. Investigators are looking at whether the two incidents are connected.

As police look into the case, Macklin and the other students are hoping this is the last time the school year is interrupted.

“I just hope its smooth sailing. I hope that there’s no more problems, that’s my main concern,” said Macklin. “Hearing it one time, keeps me on edge. I’m pretty sure everybody is on edge about it.”

Classes will continue as scheduled and investigators are gathering video surveillance footage from the college and surrounding area in the hopes of identifying a suspect.

However, police ask if you have any information on the threat, to please give them a call.

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