President Trump makes surprise appearance in White House briefing room

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Trump made his first appearance in the White House briefing room to make a familiar plea from Congress.

The president was joined by members of a Border Patrol Union at a hastily called event to renew his calls for border wall funding.

Notably, President Trump seemed open to differing interpretations of a wall, saying his vision could also be called a “barrier.”

The president also congratulated Nancy Pelosi on her election as House Speaker, saying, “I just want to start off by congratulating Nancy Pelosi on being elected Speaker of the House. it’s a very, very great achievement, and hopefully we’re going to work together and we’re going to get lots of things done, like infrastructure and so much more and I know they want to do that very badly and so do I. so hopefully we have a lot of things we can get done together and I think it’s actually going to work out. I think it will be a little bit different than a lot of people are thinking. So I congratulate Nancy… a tremendous, tremendous achievement.

“…and also say a few words about the wall. You can call it a barrier, you can call it whatever you want. But essentially we need protection in our country.  We’re going to make it good. The people in our country want it.”

The president refused to answer questions after his remarks.

He’s scheduled to meet Friday with congressional leaders about the government funding impasse.

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