President Trump unveils Space Force logo

WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNN) – President Donald Trump tweeted out the logo for the U.S. Space Force and it boldly goes where plenty have gone before.

The Twitter-sphere erupted almost immediately with wisecracks pointing out it looks strikingly similar to the Starfleet logo used on “Star Trek.”

It also looks almost exactly like the insignia for the Air Force Space Command, which was the precursor to the space force.

Trump insisted in his tweet he consulted with military leaders and designers to create the logo.

The president created the Space Force in December when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law.

It is a sixth branch of the military that operates under the Air Force, similar to the way the Marines is a distinct branch but falls within the Navy.

George Takei, who portrayed Hikaru Sulu in the original “Star Trek,” tweeted the show should get royalties for the logo.

Atari could probably make a similar claim. Some Twitter users have pointed out it looks an awful lot like the ship in the game “Asteroids.”

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