Davis won’t authorize licenses

NC_davisraw0914_700x394Kentucky — (NBC News) Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses, is back on the job.

Davis told reporters gathered outside the Rowan County Courthouse Monday morning that she will not stop her deputy clerks from issuing licenses, although she added that she believes any licenses issued will be be invalid until the Kentucky state government steps in to alter current marriage laws.

“My license is valid, and it’s valid because of the court order that’s in effect,” Shannon Wampler-Collins told NBC News outside the clerk’s office in the city of Morehead. “It doesn’t have to have her signature.”

Carmen Wampler-Collins said: “It’s a big moment for us personally, so we’re just really happy.”

Arriving for work, Davis was greeted by a crush of cameras. Her voice was shaking as she read a prepared statement.

Read more: http://nbcnews.to/1NyZwM2

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