White City boy battles cancer

Medford, Ore.  — A young White City boy is fighting for his life.  At just four years old Jaycey Aney is battling cancer.

“Think about your own children and you think about how you would feel.  They are so young and have so much life to live,” says Aney’s cousin Angela Duke.  “He knows there is something going but he does not know the severity of it.”

Jaycey was first diagnosed with a viral infection, but when multiple lumps grew on his tiny body his parents looked for a second opinion.  That’s when doctors found cancer.

“It hit our family very hard and it was pretty devastating,” explains Duke.

At such a young and innocent age, understanding what is happening is difficult for Jacey.

“He doesn’t think he is sick,” says Duke.  “He doesn’t understand why he has to stay in a hospital bed for hours or why he can’t be home with his sister.”

The young boy has already had surgery and is now undergoing chemotherapy treatments in Portland.  While his health journey so far has been a roller coaster of emotions, Duke says the family haven’t lost hope.

“I believe that he is going to beat it,” says Duke.  “He has a lot of energy and he is strong willed.  I believe he will beat it.”

If you would like to learn more about Jacye and his family and help raise money or donate to his expenses, you can visit his Facebook page by clicking here.


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