TALENT, Ore. – Customers in the Talent Irrigation District (TID) will start getting their water deliveries over the coming weeks. Earlier this month, Talent Irrigation District announced the start of the 2024 irrigation season. Debris was flushed out and canals ...

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – There’s positive news this year for thousands of acres of croplands in the Klamath Basin. Based on improved spring hydrology and updated forecasts, the Bureau of Reclamation announced a boost in Klamath Project water supply allocations. ...

TALENT, Ore. – The Talent Irrigation District is shutting off all water Friday morning. The district says the change is because of extremely low reservoir levels and depleted water supply. This is the second summer in a row the Talent Irrigation ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore.– The talent irrigation district will start delivering water on July Fifth. The decision to start the irrigation season was delayed until early this week. The T.I.D.’s irrigation season usually starts in mid-April or May, but a wet ...

TALENT, Ore.– The Talent Irrigation District postponed the start of its’ irrigation season. The T.I.D. board met Monday and decided to delay a decision because of rain over the weekend. The board is planning to meet next Monday to re-evaluate ...

TALENT, Ore. – The Talent Irrigation District will reopen its entire irrigation system after a two-week shutdown. With the recent weather and severe drought situation facing the Rogue Basin, the agency said the shutdown was made to extend the limited ...

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. —A group of Klamath farmers, are continuing to fight for their water rights. They’re now telling the media they plan to breach the fence and open the headgates of the A Canal themselves. NBC5 News first told ...

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. — Following the announcement that one of the Klamath Basin’s main irrigation canals won’t open this summer, the Klamath Water Users Association is asking for peace. Last week, the Bureau of Reclamation announced the shutoff the A ...

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. —Thousands of farmers are without water for their crops Wednesday. The Bureau of Reclamation has shut off the A Canal, the principal irrigation canal for the Klamath Project. It’s the first time, it’s converted no water. The ...

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. — The federal agency overseeing much of the irrigation in and around Klamath Lake will not release water from a canal this year. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is in charge of the Klamath Project, providing irrigation ...

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