In this Spirit of Community, we visit the Friends of the Children Clubhouse in Klamath Falls. Executive Director Amanda Squibb and longtime mentor Jose Hernandez share how one-to-one mentoring from kindergarten through high school changes lives. For 25 years Friends ...

PHOENIX, Ore. — The Phoenix-Talent School District’s JPAL or ‘Junior Pirate Athletic League’ is currently running 2 camps. Both are led by Phoenix High School students. Around 30 children from kindergarteners to 8th graders are participating in the school district’s ...

Klamath Falls, Ore. – Young teen in foster care are getting help through a pilot program new to Klamath County. It’s called the ‘Peer Up’ program, and your help is needed. The Peer Up program targets 14 and 15 year ...

Klamath Falls, Ore. – A mentoring program in Klamath Falls is celebrating a 20 year anniversary. Citizens For Safe Schools got its start in 1999. Robyn Pfeifer serves as Executive Director.  “Kids get referred to our program, and we pair ...

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