MEDFORD, Ore.- Three of Oregon’s largest universities are raising tuition rates for the 2024-2025 school year. According to a release from Oregon State University, its Board of Trustees approved an overall increase of 4.65% for continuing students. Oregon State ...

PORTLAND, Ore.– A Portland State University researcher is studying how household cleaners can clean up wildfire smoke. Associate Professor Elliott Gall said wildfire smoke can stay on surfaces and clothes for days or weeks. But his research shows that common ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – The tiny home village model is becoming increasingly popular as a solution to address homelessness. Portland State University recently released a study about the model, prompting NBC5 to ask a local village community how Southern Oregon stacks ...

TALENT, Ore. – The cities of Ashland and Talent are working together on a study with Portland State University. The study will analyze different ways to provide public safety to their community. This comes after issues both Ashland and Talent ...

Medford, Ore. — Deaths are outpacing births in several southern Oregon counties. That’s according to new numbers from Portland State University’s Population Research Center. But the region is still seeing an overall boost in population. “We’re growing,” regional economist Guy Tauer ...

Portland, Ore. — A Portland State University football player has been arrested for impersonating a police officer. Portland NBC affiliate KGW reports a grand jury returned the secret indictment on Tuesday. Police say on March 22nd a Sherwood officer saw a parked ...

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