Canadian mom fights off mountain lion

VANCOUVER ISLAND, Canada – A mother went toe-to-toe with a mountain lion that attacked her son on a rural Vancouver Island property.

Chelsea Lockhart’s 7-year-old son Zachery was playing in the backyard after school. The mother was inside the house when she heard the fence rattling loudly. She followed the noise where she found a juvenile male cougar trying to drag her son away.

Chelsea said, “And I quickly went outside, I knew something was wrong. And I could hear his voice. I could hear struggling. So I just ran down the stairs and I ran to his voice, I turn the corner, and I see this on my child.”

Before having time to process the situation, the brave mother jumped to her son’s rescue. She fish-hooked the cougar’s jaw, trying to pry it off.

And after a deep prayer, the cougar released of Zachery and ran away.

The animal left a four-centimeter gash on Zachery’s head. His neck and arms were also injured.

Within minutes, first responders were at the scene, and both the mother and son were rushed to the hospital.

The boy has received stitches for his head wound and is expected to fully recover.

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