Eagle Point National Cemetery honors the fallen

EAGLE POINT, Ore. — For many, Memorial Day is about remembrance.

“It’s a day to honor everybody all the military and all the ones that are serving now and the ones that have died for our country,” explained Betty Stone, there to honor her late husband.

It’s about honoring our loved ones and the sacrifices they’ve made for us.

“It’s very tough to lose anybody.”

It’s been six years since Betty lost the love of her life.

“We were married, before he passed away, 55 years.”

They spent more than half a century together.

“When you’ve been with somebody that long it’s very hard.”

Daniel C. Stone served in the Vietnam War from 1954 to 1971. He was a member of the Air Force.

“He loved his country and fought for his country.”

In return, his country is remembering him.

“You always hope you see them again but I’m thankful years for the years I had and that he was such a great spouse.”

Betty isn’t the only one spending Memorial Day remembering.

“We were his family,” said Trish and John Linder, neighbors to the late Harvey Bauer.

“Just looking across the street where he used to live brought memories back.”

Harvey served in the Navy during World War II.

“He talked about it quite a bit.”

But what the Linders remember most about Harvey was his love for flowers.

“He just loved flowers he always had a beautiful garden.”

Which is why Trish brought pink flowers to lay on his grave.

“He loved the color of all flowers.”

While the flowers are a nice touch, the Linders and others who showed up this Memorial Day. Say paying respects doesn’t have to be complicated.

“Just by being here. Just by being here.”

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