Jackson County Master Gardener Cultivating Companions Program

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – A new program from Jackson County Master Gardeners called Cultivating Companions is starting soon. Cultivating Companions is a free seven-week program to bring older adults together. They will Learn how to grow indoor plants, use them for art and cooking, and make new friends.

Grace Florjancic, the Master Gardener Coordinator for Jackson Co. said, “I think horticulture education is very important for everyone to have. There’s a lot of studies that show just being around plants and after interacting with plants really reduces stress levels anxiety helps with a lot of our mood balance, and it’s a great hobby that can be a lifelong joy to bring to people’s lives.”

The locations are at libraries throughout the valley. See the schedule below.

Call 541-776-7371 or email [email protected] to register. Hurry, there are a limited number of spots available!

Location Details below:

July 6- Aug 31 – Applegate Library: Saturdays 1 – 3pm

June 18-Jul 30 – Butte Falls: Tuesdays 3 – 5pm

Jun 7- July 19 – Medford Library: Fridays 1 – 3pm

July 10-Aug 21 – Rogue River Library: Wednesdays 1 – 3pm

July 9-Aug 20 – Ruch Library: Tuesdays 1 – 3pm

Jun 7- July 19 – Shady Cove Library: Fridays 1:30 – 3:30pm

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