America Recycles Day

Today is ‘America Recycles’ Day…and ‘Recycling’ has been added to the 3 ‘R’s’ at an elementary school in Klamath Falls.

Recycling is a big deal at Peterson Elementary School.

Principal Jennifer Hawkins notes that Mrs. Hull’s fifth grade class is taking a ‘hands-on’ approach…

“Their class has the official duty of going around the building, gathering up the recycling from each teacher, sorting through it, and making sure it gets out for pickup.”

The class also has some good recycling tips:

“We can recycle paper, plastic, cardboard, things like cans, bottles.”

“Before you recycle your milk cartons, you should wash them out with water.” “So that the liquid, or the substance does not get in the recycling, and contaminate that.”

Ask an adult what you can recycle, and cannot.”

“If you don’t have room in your bin to put in recycling, give it to your neighbor to recycle.”

“Well, if we didn’t recycle, everything would be a disaster and there would be trash everywhere.”

Waste Management District Manager Ben Hirengen notes that the recycling effort is expanding…

“We’ve increased recycling at this school, as well as many of the other ones in the area. We’ve also expanded recycling to some schools that never had recycling opportunities before.”

The district could also see some extra cash, as their garbage pickup demand lessens.

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