Ceramic business in Phoenix creating bowls for fire victims

PHOENIX, Ore. — A father and daughter business duo is creating ceramic bowls for Almeda Fire victims.

“They’re still living it when we’ve moved on, so it’s nice to let them know we remember them,” said co-owner of Northwest Ceramics, Jeff Edwards.

He co-owns the business with his daughter, Liz O’Brien.

“We’re a complete studio, from throwing, to hand building, to glazing, to whatever it takes,” said Edwards.

The pair are in the process of creating handmade ceramic bowls for fire victims from their studio that was fortunate to survive the fire itself.

Edwards and O’Brien say they had already given out ceramic mugs to survivors and donated some of their proceeds to the Phoenix-Talent Fire Relief, before deciding to make bowls for people who lost everything.

“You know there’s a lot of help right when the fire happens, so what’s something ongoing we can do? We’re always coming up with ideas,” said O’Brien.

And so far, they say they’ve already made 50 bowls!

“They’re smaller bowls, they’re more like cereal, ice cream bowl size,” Edwards said.

They hope the bowls fill in for sentimental objects that might’ve been lost.

“So many people lost those sort of things that were made by their kids or by their other family members.”

The duo has a goal to make 75 bowls but says they’ll keep going if the need continues.

You can contact them on their Northwest Ceramics Facebook page to learn more.

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