Costco one step closer to Central Point

Central Point, Ore. — Costco is one step closer to moving into Central Point. Central Point’s Planning Commission approved the permit Tuesday night, paving the way for the Medford location to close and a new warehouse to be built on Table Rock and Hamrick Roads.

“This is a good thing for Central Point and it’s good in terms of years of residents wanting to see more commercial development in the city,” Community Development Director Tom Humphrey said.

But one man is prepared to appeal the move. Calvin Martin is a land use planner, and has clients who own businesses in the area of the proposed site. He said they’re worried traffic will negatively affect their businesses.

“Costco has the traffic impact of the Rogue Valley Mall, so we feel this will be a mess,” he said.

Costco hired a traffic engineer to do an in depth traffic impact analysis in the area, and will likely pay the city of Medford $70,000 to make up for the added risk to some intersections.

Another man said he believes the traffic will be a good thing for his business.

“I think it’s fantastic,” owner of It’s Affordable, Yancy Savage said. “I haven’t seen the traffic on Highway 62 keep people from going where Costco is now.”

Martin has 10 days to file an appeal. Then a decision on whether to uphold the approval will be in the hands of city council.

Costco said they hope to begin building by spring to have their doors open by the end of this year.

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