Medford residents on edge after second drive-by shooting

Medford, Ore. — Residents on Narregan Street said they’ve never seen anything like it in their neighborhood. Two drive-by shootings in one week. The second happened Sunday night around 8:00 on the 800 block of Narregan, just four days after another drive-by just three blocks away.

Sunday night’s shooting sent a bullet into Tonya Espinoza’s home while she and her three children were inside.

“I feel like we’re in a war zone and it’s scary,” she said.

Espinoza said her two sons and daughter love playing outside in their neighborhood, but now they’re too scared to go outside and feel like prisoners in their own home.

“We’re innocent people, little kids who have no idea what’s going on are scared to death. They can’t be outside playing,” she said.

But even inside their home Sunday night’s shooting proves they’re not out of danger. Espinoza, her boyfriend, and her seven-year-old daughter were in the living room when shots rang out.

“I didn’t know what was going on really until I heard the car speed off,’ she said. “Then I heard the next round and we dropped to the ground.”

A bullet shot through her open window, flying just feet away from the three, and piercing the living room wall before shattering.

George Polataivao was sitting outside his home across the street from Espinoza’s Sunday night when he said a car full of men dressed in all black pulled up to his driveway.

“I threw my hands up like ‘what’s going on?’ and they started shooting at me,” he said.

He ran inside, miraculously escaping the gunfire.

Medford Police said they’re still trying to find out who’s responsible for the shooting and why. They have extra patrols in the area keeping watch, and are looking for a four-door silver Toyota Camry with a dent in the rear passenger door.


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