MSD mother speaks to resolution to Oregon Gov.

MEDFORD, Ore.– Rebecca Rampton is a nurse practitioner and a mother of two kids in the Medford School District.

She said at work, she’s seen more students struggling with anxiety and depression now than ever before.

I think there are certain realms of life that don’t need to be completely put on hold and I think school is one of them.

Thursday the Medford School District board passed a resolution asking governor brown to prioritize the return of K-5 students to in-person learning

Chair of the MSD board Jeff Kinsella says the board hopes it isn’t just Medford backing the resolution.

He says they want to get the support of all Southern Oregon schools.

“Share our resolution with them and see if they are willing to sign on and become part of that resolution or even letting them use the frame work in order to come up with their own resolution so we have a unified message coming from Southern Oregon.”

Kinsella says the board already has a safe and science-backed plan of action should students be allowed to return to school.

During a coronavirus task force briefing last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that in-person learning for younger age students is not the most dangerous situation.

The CDC actually discouraged shutting down schools.

“The truth is, for kids K-12 the safest place they could be, from our perspective, is in school.”

As far as making a change goes, Rampton says she wants to make two points clear: she knows its possible, and that we’re all in it together.

It is reasonable to say that we can safely get these kids back to school. As a medical professional, we fight for peoples health, we fight for their safety, we fight to keep people healthy, and I know there are teachers in schools who are ready to fight for our kids.

Medford School District is encouraging all school districts to pass their own similar resolution, and for interested individuals to sign individual support forms by December 21st.

Both the form and the resolution is posted on MSD’s website.

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