Outdoor workers beating the heat

Medford, Ore. — The oppressive heat Tuesday made it a long day for people who have to work outside.

Scott Molitor directs traffic for Mickey’s Flagging Company. He worked from 8:30 to 3:00 even as temperatures reached triple digits.

“The heat just sucks the energy right out of you,” said Molitor.

He said he made sure to drink plenty of water, and put on sunscreen. He wasn’t the only one. Oregon Department of Transportation Spokesperson Gary Leaming said their workers also made changes.

“They started work about an hour earlier which means they’re going to kick off before the major heat of the day,” Leaming said.

And without the day off to stay cool at a pool or in the air conditioning Molitor said he had to find something else to look forward to.

“When we’re done working today I’m going to go home and crash,” he said.

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