Pope Francis holds abuse summit

VATICAN CITY – A strong rebuke from Pope Francis and a defense of the church as he prepares to sit down with Catholic leaders from around the world, for a historic summit on sexual abuse.

Survivors and advocates are also gathering in Rome, demanding transparency and changes in the way the Vatican handles abuse.

Survivors said they’re getting mixed messages from the church hours before the summit was scheduled to begin and are concerned that even as this unprecedented meeting takes place, their voices will not be heard.

A stern message from Pope Francis to critics of the church on the eve of his highly-anticipated summit on sexual abuse by clergy, calling those who quote “spend their lives accusing the church,” “friends, cousins, and relatives of the devil.”

Without referring specifically to the abuse crisis, the pontiff acknowledged that “wrongs” must be reported, but also called for forgiveness.

His comments added to the frustration of survivors and advocates, some who sat down Thursday with officials inside the Vatican.

Peter Isely is a U.S. spokesperson for ending clergy abuse. He said, “Meetings, promises, this, that and other things. Time is up, you know.”

Survivors say it is time for a full, public accounting of the abuse. Survivor Phil Saviano said, “In the United States, the bishops, the church has admitted that there are over 6,000 priests who have been reported to the Vatican, and I want to know who are these men, and where are they?”

The nightmare of abuse still haunts Larry Antonsen after he says he was violated by a parish priest as a teen. “I don’t know that the pain ever completely goes away,” he said.

Antonsen is watching the summit closely, half-a-world away, while continuing his work at home in Chicago, where he’s returned to the church as a deacon. “If I can reach out and if I can touch somebody else, if I can save one kid, my life is worth it,” he said.

He’s calling on the leaders of his faith to do the same.

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