Seven arrests made Sunday during rallies in downtown Portland

PORTLAND, Ore. – Officers made seven arrests Sunday during multiple rallies and a permitted march in downtown Portland.

Portland Stands United Against Hate held a peaceful assembly and march Sunday that began and ended at Terry Schrunk Plaza, Portland police said.

Other demonstrators, from a group that gathered at Waterfront Park, threw projectiles, including rocks and smoke bombs, at officers. Two officers suffered minor injuries.

Demonstrators began showing up at Salmon Street Springs fountain in Waterfront Park around noon. The first demonstrators arrived for two events, the “Shut Down White Supremacy” rally organized by the Queer Liberation Front, and a permitted street march organized by the group Portland Stands United Against Hate.

Around 1 p.m., members of the conservative group Patriot Prayer arrived at Salmon Street Springs.The conservative protesters left after about 45 minutes and moved to Vancouver for their rally, which had originally been scheduled to take place in Portland before organizer Joey Gibson announced the move north to Vancouver.

The rally in Vancouver started at 2 p.m. and was joined by some counter-protesters, who followed Patriot Prayer members into the Sunday afternoon rally. Portland Police said they sent officers to Vancouver to assist.

Police had to intervene to keep the counter-protesters separated from the Patriot Prayer members. When the rally ended, police had the demonstrators leave eight at a time while shielding them from the counter-protesters.

A driver was arrested after accelerating in his truck between a group of counter-protesters.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said his office was working closely with police to ensure the safety of all who attend the events.

Original post from KGW. Read more here.

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