Jackson County Master Gardener new program ‘Cultivating Companions’

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – If the nice weather has you wanting to soak up the sun, why not garden while you do so.

A new program from Jackson County Master Gardener called ‘Cultivating Companions’ is starting soon. If you’re an older adult and you’re up for seven weeks of connecting with others and the earth, this is meant for you.

We spoke with Grace Florjancic, a Master Gardener coordinator who told us, “I think horticulture education is very important for everyone to have. There’s a lot of studies that show just being around plants and interacting with plants really reduces stress levels, and anxiety, helps with a lot of our mood balance, and it’s a great hobby that can be a lifelong joy to bring to people’s lives.”

The locations are at libraries throughout the valley, and the times can be found on each library’s website. You can call the Master Gardener at (541) 776-7371 for more information and to register for classes. Make sure to call soon as there are a limited number of spots available.

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