While some businesses are being forced to close, essential businesses can remain open. In Oregon, that list includes liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries. As of now those stores can stay open, but do have to follow a strict social distancing ...
Yreka, Calif. — The City of Yreka is considering changes to their laws surrounding recreational marijuana. The proposal would ban dispensaries in city limits, along with any type of distribution or sales. “Apparently they’re trying to ban it,” Resident Todd ...
Salem, Ore. — Oregon lawmakers are taking steps to protect recreational cannabis users personal information. Senate bill 863 prohibits dispensaries from keeping record of customers’ names and birth dates. It passed both the house and the senate and is now headed ...
Grants Pass, Ore. — A measure to uphold a ban on marijuana dispensaries in Grants Pass was narrowly defeated Tuesday, but the results are unofficial at this point. Fewer than 300 votes currently separate the no votes from the yes on ...
Klamath County, Ore. — The most controversial item on the Klamath County ballot was whether to allow state licensed medical and retail marijuana dispensaries in the county. Measure 18-105 aimed to overturn the county ban. The hot button issue even ...
Phoenix, Ore. — Voters in the city of Phoenix will be asked to decide whether a 3% tax should be imposed on recreational marijuana within city limits. The Phoenix City Council voted 4 to 1 to put the issue to ...
Ore. — Marijuana tax payment numbers through the first quarter of the year are in. The Oregon Department of Revenue says they’ve processed more than $6.8 million in taxes since January. Medical marijuana dispensaries started collecting a 25 percent tax on recreational ...
Salem, Ore. — The Oregon Department of Revenue says dispensaries must register with them so they can make a tax account for the business. Right now, only 120 of the 309 dispensaries selling recreational marijuana have an account. Dispensaries set ...
Talent, Ore. — The Oregon Liquor Control Commission began accepting applications Monday from people interested in obtaining a recreational marijuana license. From producers and processors to retailers and wholesalers, hundreds across the state are getting started on the process. “We are ...
Phoenix, Ore. — In less than 24 hours anyone 21 and older will be able to legally purchase marijuana at dispensaries. However, there are limits and restrictions, so here’s what you need to know. As of Thursday, October 1, 2015 adults ...