SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Education released their “report cards” for individual Oregon schools and school districts earlier this fall. Now, ODE has summed up the entire state’s rating in the 2016-17 Oregon Statewide Report Card. The annual ...

PHOENIX, Ore. – Monday night, 54% of residents in the Phoenix-Talent School District voted “yes” for a bond measure to improve schools. With the passage of Measure 15-171, $68 million dollars will be used to upgrade facilities. “I am tickled ...

SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Education released their “report cards” for Oregon schools and school districts Wednesday. The report cards include information on student demographics, state assessments performance, student outcomes and educational programs. Schools didn’t receive an overall ...

SALEM, Ore. – Oregon Governor Kate Brown said she’s making education a top priority after accepting the resignation of Salam Noor as acting Deputy Superintendent for Public Instruction. Her vision for the future of Oregon students appears to be focused ...

Salem, Ore. – The U.S. Department of Education has approved Oregon’s plan for implementation of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act. In December 2015, Congress signed ESSA into law. It required every state to develop their own plan for the ...

Medford, Ore. — A group of South Medford High School students are receiving awards from the Oregon Department of Education. They took part in a statewide program testing their proficiency in two world languages. “It’s a great honor,” senior Alejandro Greeny ...

Medford, Ore. — Oregon has one of the leading sex education policies in the country, but teen pregnancy rates are above the national average and even higher in southern Oregon. In part 2 of a special report on teen pregnancy in ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s 2017 Teacher of the Year from Howard Elementary School in Medford visited the White House Wednesday. Gloria Robertson, a bilingual kindergarten teacher, is representing Oregon during the National Teacher of the Year Program’s “Washington Week.” Robertson, ...

ASHLAND, Ore. – Students attending Southern Oregon University in Ashland will likely face a tuition increase of 12%. Following a long process, the Oregon University Board of Trustees made the final decision Friday to approve the raise for the 2017-2018 ...

SALEM, Ore. – Legislation that could make it easier for homeless and foster youth to graduate high school soared through the Oregon House in a unanimous vote Thursday. House Bill 3267 would direct school districts, including public charter schools, to ...

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