In this Spirit of Community, we visit the Friends of the Children Clubhouse in Klamath Falls. Executive Director Amanda Squibb and longtime mentor Jose Hernandez share how one-to-one mentoring from kindergarten through high school changes lives. For 25 years Friends ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – A non-profit in the Klamath Basin is opening up a new facility next week. Friends of the Children is a national organization that aims to help youth, from four years old up to high school graduation, who ...

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – A local youth mentoring program was given a huge financial boost in the form of $1.1 million. Friends of the Children in the Klamath Basin got the generous gift Thursday. It was part of a $44 ...

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. — A week-long community wide scavenger hunt is underway in Klamath Falls. The event raises money for Friends of the Children (Klamath basin) an organization that mentors low-income children. Tickets cost $25 dollars a piece and getting ...

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – An agency in Klamath Falls that provides long-term mentors for at-risk kids is hosting their annual “Friendraise” this Thursday. Friends of the Children has been active in the Klamath Basin since 2000. “We are a professional ...

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