In this Spirit of Community we learn about the Lomakatsi Restoration Project. For years, prescribed, or controlled burns have been an accepted and effective strategy to control the spread of wildfire. But long before governments made it a policy, prescribed ...

ASHLAND, Ore – A group of local students helped in a fire restoration project at the Ashland ponds on March 19th. The Lomakatsi Restoration Project had students from the Armadillo Technical Institute planting native trees and shrubs, to help re-establish ...

JACKSON CO, Ore. —  The ongoing efforts to restore the Bear Creek Greenway continue after the Almeda fire. Lomakatski Restoration Project is one of the agencies partnering with Jackson County on the project. Lomakatsi tells us today that the seeding ...

ASHLAND, Ore. — As we get closer to fall wildfire safety preparation is starting back up, one of the first restoration projects of the season started Monday. Lomakatsi Restoration Project crews started a thinning project in the upper Elkader Street ...

ASHLAND, Ore. – The Oregon Shakespeare Festival plans on donating a portion of ticket sales to a non-profit committed to reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfires in the Ashland watershed. If you order a ticket to an OSF show between ...

ASHLAND, Ore.– Fire safety preparations have been ongoing in the City of Ashland as fire season looms ahead. The Ashland Forest Resiliency Stewardship Project was thinning trees on private land south of Liberty Street Park on Tuesday as part of ...

WASHINGTON D.C. — On Capitol Hill Thursday, a group of panelists from across the country met to discuss wildfires at the “National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Subcommittee” hearing. One of the panelists was from Ashland-based non-profit, “Lomakatsi Restoration Project.” ...

ASHLAND, Ore.– Rogue Valley State Senator Jeff Golden announced a proposal for a new statewide task force addressing wildfires and forest health on Saturday. Using the Ashland-based Lomakatsi Restoration Project as an example of best practices, Senator Golden is hoping ...

ASHLAND, Ore. — Federal agencies are getting ready to get back to work in the forests next week doing controlled burns. Because of the government shutdown, controlled burns weren’t able to take place on forest service and BLM lands. But ...

WHITE CITY, Ore.– Contracts for work on federal lands are currently unavailable due to the shutdown. That means no business for contractors who do important work such as prescribed burns and forest restoration. Grayback Forestry Inc. and Lomakatsi Restoration Project say ...

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