JACKSON CO., Or- Oregon’s republican candidate for Secretary of State is in the Rogue Valley tonight. State senator Kim Thatcher represents District 13 – which includes Keizer, near Salem. She’s represented the 13th district since 2014. Prior to being elected ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC) – The replacement for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is already turning political. Within hours of Ginsburg’s death Friday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced there will be a vote. President Donald Trump said, “I will ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – COVID-19 has rocked the voting experience for states across the country. This election season, California voters will experience a similar vote by-mail process to the one Oregon voters have used for years. Prior to these changes, Californians ...

SALEM, Ore. – This might have been one of the most unusual sessions state legislators have experienced. While politicians are reorganizing how to safely meet in the Capitol due to Coronavirus concerns the topics they’re discussing are just as uncertain. ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The $600 weekly unemployment boost, which was part of the Cares Act is officially ending nationwide. Oregon U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee. He says there are no negotiations going ...

ASHLAND, Ore. — Ashland City councilor Julie Akins announced she’ll be running for Ashland mayor this afternoon. She says her two priorities for the city in 2021 include creating a city budget that doesn’t rely on increasing taxes and fees, ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – Oregon’s federal legislators are working on their own legislation, in response to the George Floyd tragedy. “It’s not enough to say black lives matter. It’s not enough to walk in the street,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley. The ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – Demonstrations and protests continue in cities around the nation, some protesters are demanding policy changes. A week after George Floyd’s death, anger and disgust is still very present across America. In Oregon, politicians are calling for change. ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – A former police chief announced he wants to be the next mayor of Medford. Randy Sparacino spent 22 years on the force before he was named as Medford Police Chief in 2016. At the time, he said ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A local politician is urging the Trump administration to help protect domestic violence victims and survivors during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) cited a New York Times article regarding those who are quarantined ...

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