ATLANTA, Ga. (WXIA/NBC) – The Georgia Secretary of State has postponed the presidential primary election due to coronavirus concerns. The primary, which was scheduled to take place March 24th, has been pushed back to May 19th. In-person early voting, which ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — Tuesday was the last day to file for people looking to run for office in Oregon as a major party candidate. We looked at who’s running for both state and county seats. In Jackson County, Commissioner Bob ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNN) – President Trump has signed an $8.3 billion spending bill aimed at tackling the coronavirus here in the U.S. The number of infections continues to rise and thousands are trapped on a cruise ship off the California ...

The Oregon Legislature held a public hearing today in Salem discussing gun safety. The proposed bill looks to force Oregonians to lock up their guns. Democrats in the House are introducing a bill requiring all Oregon gun owners to safely ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — People from all over the valley gathered this afternoon to write “Postcards for the Planet.” The event is hosted monthly by the non-profit political group Oregon District 2 – Indivisible. Locals came to the Medford Library today ...

DAVOS, Switzerland (NBC) – As President Trump’s impeachment trial was getting underway in Washington, the president was in Davos, Switzerland, at the World Economic Forum. During one of his meetings with global leaders Tuesday, he called the impeachment trial a ...

This article has been updated to include a statement from Congressional candidate Jason Atkinson. JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – There is now a local Republican who plans on running for outgoing Representative Greg Walden’s House seat. On October 28, Walden said ...

ROSEBURG, Ore. – A Roseburg man known around the world for helping stop a 2015 terrorist attack in France announced he’s running for Congress. About four years ago, Alek Skarlatos and two of his friends were on a train to ...

SALEM, Ore. – Representative Greg Walden will make numerous public appearances across Oregon to hear citizen concerns about what’s happening locally and in Washington D.C. Walden, the Republican U.S. Representative for Oregon’s 2nd congressional district, announced two of his next ...

SALEM, Ore. – After Oregon Governor Kate Brown ordered Oregon State Police to bring Republicans back to the State Senate, OSP representatives are issuing a response. Senate Republicans decided to walk out of Senate proceedings to protest HB 2020, legislation ...

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