SALEM , Ore. – Oregon public schools are getting more than $72 million from Common School Funds. Officials from the State Land Board announced on Tuesday Oregon’s 197 public schools will get the money. It comes from Common School Funds ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – Jackson Care Connect is working to better support mental health in local youth. They want young people ages 12 to 18 to participate in the confidential easy to take survey. It said it will give providers ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — Earlier this week, the Oregon Health Authority heard from many parents and community members opposing the state’s effort to require universal masking in schools. Oregon’s temporary mask requirement expires in February and can only be extended through a ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. —New guidance is being released from state health officials, to update contact tracing at K-12 schools. Under the new guidance, Oregon will no longer consider masked contact, in certain settings, to be an exposure, regardless of distancing. ...

SOUTHERN OREGON, —For the past four weeks, the Oregon Health Authority has seen a steady increase in cases, as the Omicron variant takes hold across the state. It’s causing a long list of problems for many local schools already, especially ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. —As many school districts are managing to get through COVID-19 right now, the best they can, one Portland district canceled classes across its schools Monday, due to staffing shortages. Here in the Rogue Valley, the Medford School ...

SALEM, Ore. – To maintain in-person instruction at schools, the Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Department of Education are issuing a special “School Health Advisory” this month. The state already has a plan in place to keep kids in school ...

Author: Katherine Cook (KGW) PORTLAND, Ore. (KGW) — State education officials are working on a program that would eliminate Oregon’s two-week quarantine mandate for kids who may have been exposed to COVID-19 at school. “We’re hopeful that by the end ...

MEDFORD, Ore.- With all this wet weather, it’s important you drive carefully. But that applies even more so to school zones, where local agencies are continuing to crack down on issues. “We do that through enforcement operations, and we’ve even ...

SOUTHERN OREGON, —School districts and their employees, including teachers and other staff, are also dealing with the impact of the vaccine deadline Monday. “The vast majority over 97% complied in one way or another,” said MSD Assistant Superintendent Brad Earl. ...

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