Bellingham, Wash, (KING/NBC) — Bellingham is known to be a pretty liberal city. But this homeowner was shocked when thieves started stealing his Donald Trump signs. So he decided to shock them back. Seven times over the last few months ...

(NBC News) — Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are preparing for their first face-to-face debate, now less than one month away. Advisers say Clinton is working between campaign stops and fundraisers, studying policy, shortening her answers and preparing for the ...

(NBC News) — Donald Trump’s campaign may be shifting positions on immigration. After meeting with his newly formed group of Hispanic advisors, Trump may be softening his stance on deporting 11 million illegal immigrants. Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway went ...

Portland, Ore. — Trump’s campaign manager says he won’t be making any stops in Oregon. The Oregonian reports that Trump is canceling his Portland fundraiser and public appearance, as well as a potential visit to Southern Oregon. His campaign manager, ...

Scranton, Penn. (NBC News) — After rallying with Joe Biden in Scranton yesterday, Hillary Clinton is back in battleground Pennsylvania Tuesday to sign up new voters. She has an 11 point lead there, but Donald Trump is gaining among white, ...

Medford, Ore.– Donald Trump may be eyeing Southern Oregon as a location for a campaign rally. The Republican presidential nominee is planning a visit to Oregon on Wednesday, Aug. 31. Trump’s Oregon campaign director, Jacob Daniels, confirmed to Willamette Week  ...

(NBC News) — Donald Trump’s staff will meet with Republican Party officials Friday, one staffer reportedly calling it a “come to Jesus meeting” about the campaign. Trump’s team calls the meeting routine despite reports that the party is frustrated with ...

(NBC News) — Republicans have been begging Donald Trump to focus on the ecomomy, and he finally did Monday in Detroit, laying out a plan to cut taxes, create jobs, and revive US industry. Trump says he would cut the ...

(NBC News) — Both presidential candidates are being questioned on their truthfulness Friday as Hillary Clinton faced reporters and Donald Trump did an about-face on Twitter. Clinton’s lead in the polls has expanded in the past few days, but in ...

(NBC News) — Political ties are unraveling Wednesday with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump saying he will not endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan or senior Senator John McCain as they face primaries next Tuesday. “I’m just not quite there yet,” ...

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