New study shows 60% of cell phone users are addicted to their phone

College students appear to really like spending time on their cell phones.

Baylor University researchers surveyed more than 150 college students — they found nearly 60% admitted they may have a cell phone addiction.

We asked shoppers at the Rogue Valley Mall what they think – is 60% too high or too low

Michelle Huntoon replied, I would think the number would be higher than that.

Don Dufer said, I’m addicted to my cell phone, I’m always on it so that doesn’t surprise me. And Marlina Lamere said, I’m addicted to mine, I wake up grab my phone see if I got a text or a facebook message.

According to the study female college students used their phone more spending an average of 10 hours a day on the phone. Male students averaged about eight hours a day.

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